Leagues will start on January 14th every Tuesday night.
There will be two shooting times, 6:00 pm and 7:30 pm.
Setup will occur on Monday prior to 3D Individual League.
Tear down and clean-up is the responsibility of the last teams shooting.
There will be a league end shoot off/tournament at the end of the regular season.
Click the calendar on the right for the shooting schedule.
$300 per team.
Team fee's must be paid by the first night of league. If not paid your team will forfeit.
All shooters on each team must be active members of the club.
30 Rinehart foam animal targets at varies distances from 10 - 40 yards.
One arrow will be shot at each target for a total score of 300. Targets will be scored 10-8-5 and 0 for a miss.
Arrows shall not be removed from the targets until both scores have been recorded.
A team shall consist of Five scoring shooters per night. The team must designate the four shooters prior to starting the round. There is no limit on the amount of shooter on a single team, however please try to limit your team to 10.
Scoring will be 5 on 5, no exceptions. Teams are able to use substitute shooters as needed. If you are on a roster you can not sub for another team.
A handicap scoring system will be used. The handicap shall be 85% of the difference between the score shot and 100. The handicap shall be calculated on a shooters average of his/her last two scores. The first two weeks a shooter shoots, the handicap will be based on the median score of the three games shot.
The max score per game with handicap will be limited to 99.
Pass-through arrows will be scored where the arrow entered the target.
Any equipment failures you will have 15 minutes to make the repairs. One practice end will be allowed. All make-up arrows will be shot at the end of the round.
Rangefinders are not allowed. Binoculars are allowed.
Any archer conducting him or herself in an unsportsmanlike manner will be IMMEDIATELY disqualified for the remainder of the season.
The year end tournament will use the average of the three games shot that night to calculate the handicap. Highest cumulative team score will move on in the tournament.
Leagues will start on January 16th and run for 10 weeks every Thursday night.
There will be one shooting time at 7 pm.
We will shoot a double a double line.
There will be a year end tournament at the end of the regular season.
Click the calendar on the right for the shooting schedule.
$300 per team.
Team fee must be paid by the first night of league.
All shooters on each team must be active members of the club.
Weeks 1-6:
You will either shoot the "Vegas" three-spot target face with gold - red - blue (10-9-8-7-6) scoring rings or the single spot target face with 10 through 1 scoring rings.
Weeks 7-9:
You will either shoot the NFAA five-spot target face with white - blue (5-4) scoring rings or the single spot target face with 5 through 1 scoring rings.
20 Yards
There will be a total of 5 teams, there will be no "byes" throughout the season. A team shall consist of five shooters. A blind score will be used if a team fails to have five shooters on the line.
A handicap scoring system will be used. The handicap shall be 90% of the difference between the score shot and 100. The handicap shall be calculated on a shooters average of his/her last two scores. The first two weeks a shooter shoots, the handicap will be based on the median score of the three games shot.
Each round will consist of ten ends; 3 arrows per end.
One arrow is allowed per spot on a three-spot target face. If there is more than one arrow in a single spot, you will lose your highest scoring arrow or arrows in that spot.
Your arrows must be marked 1, 2, and 3 if you are shooting a single spot target face for scoring purposes.
If more than 3 arrows are shot during an end, only the lowest 3 arrows will be scored. A penalty of one point will be assessed for each additional arrow shot. Misses or zeros will be counted as lowest arrows.
Each round will consist of twelve ends; 5 arrows per end.
The 5 spot target can be shot in any order and the archer can shoot any number of arrows into any spot as the archer wants, not to exceed 5 arrows.
If more than 5 arrows are shot during an end, only the lowest 5 arrows will be scored. A penalty of one point will be assessed for each additional arrow shot. Misses or zeros will be counted as lowest arrows.
All arrows must remain in the target, untouched, until scored by someone from the opposite team.
Arrows must touch the line to be in the next highest scoring area.
Arrow holes may be repaired in the target face during the round.
Target faces may be switched from a 3 spot to a single for Vegas or a 5 spot to a single for NFAA at any time during the round.
The schedule will indicate your teams shooting time not your opponent.
Any equipment failures you will have 15 mins to make the repairs. One practice end will be allowed. All make-up arrows will be shot at the end of the round.
Any archer conducting him or herself in an unsportsmanlike manner will be IMMEDIATELY disqualified for the remainder of the season.
The year-end tournament will be on the Vegas face, we’ll use the average of the three games shot that night to calculate the handicap. Highest cumulative team score will win the tournament.